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"My goal is to be the person I so badly needed when I was young."

Shayne's story


​​​Shayne is a​n​ addiction and mental health worker, providing support to​ Indigenous​ children, youth, and families. He is a passionate advocate for the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit individuals. Recognizing the intersecting identities and experiences within these communities, Shayne actively promotes acceptance,​ inclusivity,​ and equality for all. 


As the founder of AndThenIWasFree,​ ​Shayne has created a platform for individuals to share their stories​, ​find strength in their shared journeys​, and get access to the support ​they need.



Shayne's own personal experiences have shaped ​his approach to ​his work and advocacy. ​Through sharing his story ​about addiction, mental health​ challenges​​,​ and growing up in the foster care system​,​​ Shayne understands the profound impact these struggles can have. ​He aims to break down the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health​ challenges​, providing visibility and hope for those who may be facing similar battles.


Shayne believes in the power of inclusivity and actively works towards creating spaces where everyone feels welcomed​,​ valued​, and free to live authentically.​

Our vision and purpose


To create a world where everyone is free to live authentically by sharing our stories, being vulnerable, and creating space for all to be visible.

How we'll get there


Through holistic programming, workshops, teachings, education, and visibility, we provide accessible, culturally specific resources and support for people exploring all aspects of their identity.

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Guiding principles


The Seven Grandfather Teachings are a set of Indigenous teachings on human conduct towards others. They are moral stepping stones and a cultural foundation on which we apply throughout the work we do. These are our values.

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